This impromptu birding adventure was all due to a cold mixed with my allergies believe it or not. I was so miserable I had the hardest time sleeping Friday night. I had even slathered myself in Vick's. Finally, I gave up on sleeping at about 6:00 am Saturday morning. Now anyone who knows me in real life will tell you that it is a rare occasion when I am up that early, let alone of my own volition. So by time 7:30 am rolls around I am ready for work and I don't have to be in to work until 10 am. What's a girl supposed to do with all this extra time? Well if you're this girl, you go fetch your camera and start stalking your backyard denizens. Yes, I am the wildlife paparazzi.
This has got to be my favorite bird photo I have ever taken. I love how this male house sparrow cocked his head as the shutter went off.
Peekaboo, I see you! Female House Sparrow
"Aww man! right when I had my mouth full!"
American Robin in neighbor's vineyard.
Another American Robin on fence post.
European Starlings, the one is being shy. Can you see her?
"Hey I am not a bird! Go back to stalking the feathered friends."
I know this isn't a bird (or squirrel) and they weren't off in the distance like all the rest of the featured celebrities were. However, I couldn't resist these tulips. Using the telescopic lens on a close by object gives it the rosy glow of the morning sun without me be right next to it and casting any shadow or light variation. I was very pleased with this particular experiment.
1 comment:
great photos. I don't do mornings very well but there are some things you just can see later in the day....drat.
(((hugs))) until next time
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