In accepting the award, you have to reveal 7 things about yourself and pass the award on to 7 other bloggers. Since my blog is mostly focused on nature and garden photography, my choices will be as well.
Here are my seven reveals:
1) I am really a geek at heart. Some of my less commonly known interests are astronomy & archaeology. If there is a science, nature or history program on the television, chances are I am watching it. I love science fiction and fantasy books. I have probably watched close to every episode of Star Trek ever made. I am into digital photo manipulation. I am fairly versed in computer coding.

Digital manipulation of our last kitty, Phantom. Still miss you princess.
2) I am very crafty. I scrapbook, rubber stamp, card craft, create altered items. I also love embroidery and counted cross stitch. However, knitting and crochet elude me. One day I will conquer these crafts but not today.

One of my favorite cards. I just love using that little chick stamp!
3) I am a night owl. Some of you may have noticed that most of my new posts come up between 1 and 3 am EST. That's because I am sitting here in the middle of the night typing. Usually my husband is not far behind asking if I am ready for bed yet. It is 1:30 am as I type this.

Moon photo from 2007.
4) I have two jobs outside of the home. My Jan - Apr job is an office manager for Jackson Hewitt Tax Service. It is an exhausting job but I am fortunate to work with a wonderful group of people, all the way up to the franchise owners. My May - Dec job is as an independent skin care consultant through the direct sales company, Jordan Essentials. Again, I work with another set of wonderful folks and couldn't be more blessed.

Working the Jordan Essentials booth at the local fair. Left to right: Jessica (Me), my aunt Rachel, and my cousin Heather. It's a family affair.
5) I love animals of all types. There isn't an animal I don't like. I love spiders, snakes, bats and even skunks. While I am not a hard core PETA type, I do donate both my time and money to ASPCA and HSUS. I am a firm advocate of spaying/neutering as well as adopting rescue animals.
6) I love tasteful tattoos. I only have two but I am planning more. Most people don't realize I have them unless I am wearing shorts or I am showing them off. On my right leg I have an Asian dragon that is still a work in progress. My left leg has a chili pepper and its blossom. My wonderful artist actually drew it up from the photos I provided.

My pepper and dragon tattoos.
7) Alright, here is the mushy moment. This may come as a shock, but my best friend is my husband, Dave. I have quite a few friends that have told me spouses don't count but I think they are wrong. I can confide in my husband and I trust him to keep my confidence. And he knows the same is true with me. He attempts to listen to all my crazy interests and I do the same for him. We aren't perfect but we are definitely good. It is so nice to have a spouse that is my soul mate, lover, provider for our family and best friend all wrapped up in one wonderful package.
Dave and I being exceptionally cute, Halloween 2008.
Here are the seven blogs I am passing this coveted award to:
1) Sunita at The Urban Gardener, located in Mumbai, India. Her blog has some beautiful photos of her region and her blogging style is like having your own personal tour guide.
2) Kanak at Terra Farmer, located in India as well. Her blog is a visual delight with a large number of butterfly, dragonfly and other gorgeous insect photos mixed into her flora photography.
3) Katarina at Roses and Stuff, located in Gothenburg, Sweden. This is the home of Blooming Friday. There are just not enough words to describe her rose photos. I think I am having a moment of Camera Envy! Here is a bonus, her blog is in both English and Swedish.
4) Rosey Pollen at Dung Hoe, located in Colorado, USA. Beyond the fact that her blog name makes me giggle everytime, I enjoy her topics, light writing style and of course fabulous photos.
5) Autumn Bell at My Nice Garden, located in Malaysia. Another spectacular blog that focuses on garden blooms but still adds in highlights of the region. Another tour guide in training.
6) Karrita at My Mother's Garden, located in Florida, USA. This blog combines art and garden photography. For a crafty gardener this is Nirvana.
7) Meredith at Great Stems, located in Texas, USA. With blog post names like "Cantaloupe Sex Ed" and "Toadally Frogsome Rescues, Dude" what's not to love. Meredith's posts are witty and her photos superb.
Honorable Mention - The following blog is the one that passed on this award through the circle of blogshpere I am on. It is worthy of being repeated for the award from me. But I think that Amy probably needs a break before she's up to writing another 7 x 7 post. So please go visit Flandrum Hill and enjoy her beautiful writing and photographs. It is inspirational.
Jessica, thank you very much for sharing something about yourself with us. It is nice to know you better after reading this post. Also, thank you for the compliments about my blog, and for passing the meme award to me. I am very honoured. I need some time to prepare but I'll pass it on.
Jessica, I am still mushy about your wonderful comments about your husband. You guys look so sweet and loving together. Sniffing...and glad that you decided to play!
I wanted to thank you for letting us in on a bit of yourself we would never know otherwise. That tattoos were a pleasant surprise. I am thrilled about the meme award and will be passing it on when I get inspired, which I hope is soon!
Jessica, you are SUCH an interesting person. I don't know if I've seen every episode of Star Trek but I think I've seen some episodes of TNG and DS9 several times and could watch them at least once more. With your combined love of archaeology and astronomy you probably like Stargate as well. I enjoyed the first movie but haven't got around to watching the series.
The way you described your relationship with your husband is both sweet and inspiring. He must be a pretty wonderful guy.
Will also have to check out your blog links.
Autumn Belle - You are very welcome. I am still trying to figure out if one of the ethnic stores in our area might carry Durian fruit. Might be hard if the odor causes transportation problems :)
Centria - Thanks hun. I love that man so much it is silly.
Rosey - You are welcome too. I think most people are surprised about them. I guess I am not that "type" to people but I am Haha
Flandrumhill - I did like the Stargate movie but I never got into the series. I have probably watched a handful of episodes.
Jessica, I just cant believe how alike we are in our interests, etc. I craft and embroider and cross-stitch too but am a big zero at knitting and crochet :P
The tattoos though definitely set you apart ... I would've never had the guts to try even the teeniest little one :(
Jessica, I'll definitely play along but I've got to warn you that I'm a procrastinaor! I've still got one which I promised Rajee at Rajee Sood that I would do soon, and that was in May! Did I scare you off? I promise I'll start on it soon, though.
Thanks for all those lovely things you said while introducing me :)
Jessica, my post is up today. Thank you very much for the award.
Hi Jessica~
It's so neat to learn more about our fellow bloggers! I didn't even know I was chosen to do this by you, I was just enjoying reading your blog.
We have a lot in common...geeky, crafty, craft/fair shows and animals.
I will get to sharing mine soon...something similar was passed on to me that I still haven't put together.
Good luck at the fair and thanks again!
Jessica, thank you again for thinking of my blog for the MeMe award. I just made my post, but as you'll see, I decided it was best for me to only participate in half of it. I hope you understand! But I want you to know how honored you made me feel, and I loved everything you shared with us about yourself. So I revealed some tidbits, too!
Jessica, I have posted my 7 reveals on Aug 18. I'm not sure whether the message I sent on the same day has reached you or not. If it is a duplicate, please delete this comment. Once again, Jessica, thank you very much for passing on the award to me.
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