Last week I was working on a massive weeding project. These are itch weeds that were well over 10 feet (3.048 meters) tall. In other words, HUGE! To add to the itch weed is a bunch of five leaf ivy growing in the Rose of Sharon trees. I got it into my head that I could clear all this out and put in a garden.

Oh look who is napping in the weeds. Can you find her? It is our semi adopted stray kitty, Mouser. She is slowly becoming part of our family.

Here you can see how much taller the weeds are than the neighbor's clothesline pest.

I found this little Woolly Bear caterpillar, which will eventually turn into an Isabella Tiger Moth. Common folklore says that the amount of black in the "wool" determines how long or sever winter will be. The link above says it is not so, that it has more to do with maturity. I personally think that they still are accurate. This bear tells me it is going to freeze early but we will have a a nice thaw. Then a brief freeze again before spring sets in. We'll see how my prediction works out.

Another treasure found while weeding was this jaw bone. I am not sure what it belongs to but I would lay odds on a opossum or raccoon. Its too large to be a mouse or mole. Maybe I will email a photo to the local nature center.

Looks like I finally managed to get some cleared out. I still have a bit more but a good chunk is cleaned up.

Full moon rising.

A warm fire for an evening of relaxing after the long day.
