So without further ado, here are the flowers blooming today in my yard.
Black Knight Buddleia (I am just really close and in bright light. It looks much darker to the naked eye)
Two kinds of snapdragons that I took from my mother's garden years ago. These are actually from the same woody stem every year. I have managed to perennialize them by extreme coddling in the winter.
My mother in law's Rose of Sharon tree in bloom. She says it has been here as long as she can remember, and she grew up in this house. Possibly her mom or dad planted it.
My mother in law's Easter Egg plant is flowering too.
Last but not least is...
Wild Chicory. This is my favorite wildflower. Not only does it have nutritional and medicinal purposes but it is beautiful as well. There is something about their blue little blossoms waving in the summer breeze that makes me smile. To me, they are a symbol of summer as strong as ice cream, fireworks and beach sand.
What is blooming in your area? I would love to here about it!
Jessica, you've inspired me. Your blooms are gorgeous. The blue of the chicories is pretty unique but I also like your first photo.
I'll post what's blooming in my neck of the woods tomorrow!
Jessica, these are lovely blooms. I'm sure it'll make your garden bright and beautiful. You have taken a good snapshot of the black knight in the first photo. It is a nice shade of pink. I also love the blues. Cheers!
Hi Jessica~
I think I have fallen in love with the Rose of sharon is stunning! Looking forward to following your blog.
Happy gardening~
Buddleia, such a pretty purple! I want to grow it, but it's Zone 5:(
Love your pics.
Hello, Jessica. I came over from Flandrum Hill and had a lovely visit. The snapdragons caught me at once, but I'm a big fan of chicory, too.
Hi Jessica, beautiful blooms in your backyard! I don't know which is my favorite. They're all lovely. Oh isn't this a great time of year?
The black Knight Budhleia is so dense covering every little space. The way it blooms, there is a sense of heroic achievement the flower intends to show to the rest of the plants.... haha.
~ bangchik
Oh Jessica, thanks for the link! You're a sweetheart!
Your Rose of Sharon looks spectacular! Love the other colours too~~the snapdragons especially! As for the's stunning!
Have a great Sunday!
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