"Wood (Green) is the element of growth and creativity, associated with the Spring. It is a masculine element with a dark side of anger and depression." Moss growing on the side of the house.
"Water (Blue) is a feminine, flowing element associated with patience and quite strength, but it can also generate fear with its power." Vetch blooming in the back field.
"Fire (Red) is a dynamic, masculine element which moves upwards, and it is associated with joy and luck. When fire goes bad, it brings about hate." View of purple plum tree from under the canopy.
"Earth (Brown) balances feminine and masculine elements, with a tendency to conserve, consolidate, and strengthen. Anxiety and disquiet are associated with earth imbalances." Bark from a tree in our yard.
"Metal (Silver), the final element, is feminine, with a contracting energy and the ability to conduct and control emotion. The negative association with metal is grief." Beef bone from the dog's outside area.
If you want to participate go look at Amy's blog http://flandrumhill.wordpress.com/2009/06/20/a-midsummers-scavenger-hunt/
Descriptions of the elements came from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-five-elements-of-chinese-philosophy.htm
Beautiful vetch Jessica!! I love how you added a bit of information about each element to your photos.
Thank you so much for taking part.
Jessica, good job with the scavenger hunt! Thanks for those descriptions of the elements, as well. Are you from the Lower Peninsula or Upper Peninsula? (We're in the U.P. but I'm from the Lower.) My, flandrumhill has a lot of Michigan blogger friends!
Thanks Centria and Flandrumhill :) The vetch is considered a weed here but it sure is pretty. I am down in the lower peninsula... a troll from under the bridge. LOL
Absolutely lovely photos, and I love the overall elemental premise as well!
Nice choice of objects to photograph and I enjoyed the descriptions for each element. I also love the flandrumhill blog.
I love the comments you added!
Lovely photos and descriptions.
Hi, Jessica~~
I'm just checking to see how other scavenger hunters have interpreted the elements. I especially like your purple plum tree leaves for "fire." Nice photos! I also have enjoyed the information you have shared with each photo!
I love the thoughtful way in which you have selected the subjects to represent the five elements. The use of the bone for the metal element representing grief is particularly apt. Well done.
I'm very impressed by how you entered so thoroughly into the spirit of each element. Love the images and commentary. Thank you!
I enjoyed your different take on the elements and their essential natures. Great images, too.
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